Bespoke Wire Rope Assemblies for most applications:


Southern Rigging Supplies have been successfully manufacturing steel wire rope assemblies for over 10 years.

We are specialists who produce assemblies for countless applications.
Our recently expanded rigging shop is equipped to handle the simple or the complex, from 1mm to 40mm diameter wire rope.

In house testing and quality control along with our flexible approach has helped us to become one the the UK leading specialists in this field.

Whatever your requirements, we will be happy to discuss options and supply the very best solution.

Useful Links:

Catalogue Downloads - Marine, General Termination and Accessory INDEX -Architectural Termination and Accessory INDEX


Below: Just a small sample of the types of assemblies that we currently manufacture



  Wire assembly and rigging wire examples  

Example Applications

Bridge and Walkway Infill

Roof and Canopy Support

Shade Tension and Support

Marine Rigging



Timber to Timber Infill

Talurit Spliced - A multitude of applications


Balustrade Infill

  Winch Wires - Lanyards - Truss Replacement - Vertical Stair Support - Planter Systems - Subsea and Launch Cables - Haulage Wires